We have already talked about the type of dye we use on our Turkish towels and the dyeing process itself in our previous posts (If you haven’t seen it, feel free to check “How We Dye Our Peshtemal Designs” article).
Contrary to what we use, most industrial dyes cause respiratory problems due to the inhalation of dye particles during production. They can also affect the immune system with constant exposure. Textile dyes may also cause skin irritation, itchy or blocked noses, sneezing, and sore eyes. Also, most factories release their dye wastes in water sources. Some dyes don’t ever degrade in water. Others that do degrade produce harmful substances as they decompose. Additives used during the dyeing process include harmful substances such as alkalis and acid, causing a serious threat to marine life. Wastewater from textile dyeing also affects plant life in the water, because many dyes have substances that decrease photosynthesis.

Well, not ours. As a highly considerate manufacturer and exporter of Turkish towels and peshtemals, we care about both nature and our costumers’ health and we work with a dye-house that carefully chooses eco-friendly and hypoallergenic dyes during the process.
We, as Peshtemal City, manufacture peshtemals and hammam towels that you can buy for yourself, you can safely offer to your costumers or your kids –without second thoughts- can use. Peshtemals and Turkish beach towels that you can give as a birthday gift, use for decorative porpuses –or simply, to wrap up your child after a long shower…

So please, be at ease. We are here to manufacture the best quality peshtemals and Turkish towels, and in the meantime, to protect your health and nature’s balance. Because we care.
Please feel free to e-mail us about any question. You can find our contact info on our contacts page! We will try to answer your questions as soon as possible.
You can also check our nature-friendly and safe-to-use, premium quality Turkish towels on our products page easily.

Peshtemal City, manufacturer and exporter of peshtemal, wishes you a profitable year!